Thursday, October 27 2016
State Awards Skill UP Grant to Fund Purdue MEP Training
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development has awarded nearly $8 million in Skill UP Indiana! grants. The 12 recipients will use the funds to provide job skills training and education. The recipients had to obtain a minimum private sector match of 25 percent of the funding they requested from the program. The DWD says the grants awarded in this cycle will also focus on employability skills, or soft skills, that be used across all sectors of employment.
"Skill UP grants enable regional partnerships to enhance skill attainment in the local workforce that meets employer demand for high-skilled employees both now and into the future," said DWD Commissioner Steven Braun. "The positive results from the first Skill UP grant cycle are already being realized in communities throughout Indiana and this second group of grantees will engage even more students and incumbent workers in career- and skill-development opportunities."
One of these recipients, CFA Staffing, partnered with Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) to provide a two-week manufacturing boot camp and a five-week hands-on internship.
CFA Staffing 5/9 Manufacturing Partnership (Regions 5 & 9)
Grant Funding: $600,000 • Private Match: $340,919 • Sector: Manufacturing
Industry Partners: PK USA, RR Donnelly, MBC Packaging, Columbus Container
Description: Region 5/9 Manufacturing Partnership, in collaboration with Purdue University Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), will provide a two-week manufacturing boot camp and a five-week hands-on internship. In addition, they will work with local high schools to replicate the successful Conexus Indiana high school manufacturing internship program.
Outcomes: 220 trained in Purdue MEP, 165 Employed, and 15 Conexus Interns
You can view the full list of recipients here.