Monday, January 05 2015
Purdue Technical Assistance Program Adds Two New Members
The Purdue Technical Assistance Program (TAP) has hired two new employees. Art Thomas will serve as a Productivity Improvement Specialist, delivering training, implementation and consulting services to manufacturers throughout Indiana. Carly Turow will serve as the TAP Projects Specialist, managing the program’s faculty assistance projects as well as overseeing technology adoption service offerings.
Mr. Thomas has extensive experience in manufacturing operations, production, and plant management. Prior to joining Purdue TAP, he was the Plant Superintendent for Herff Jones. In this role, Mr. Thomas held responsibilities for efficient operations of Safety, Manufacturing, Assembly, Quality, Process Improvement, Scheduling, Inventory Control, and Business Intelligence. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Engineering Business Management from Purdue University and an MBA from Indiana University.
Ms. Turow previously served as Campus President of Corporate Partnerships for Harrison College with responsibility for workforce training, education and development. Additional experience includes eight years of practicing law, representing management companies, assisting individuals with the start-up and operation of small businesses, and analysis and defense of employment discrimination claims. As an engineer, Ms. Turow was a product manager for the user interface of decision support software for an ERP optimizer, and a management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers in their supply chain solutions practice. Ms. Turow received her Industrial Engineering Degree from Purdue University and her Juris Doctor from Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
About the Purdue Technical Assistance Program
Purdue TAP provides high-value solutions that help Indiana businesses maximize their success by increasing profits, reducing costs, and implementing growth systems. Our organization serves more than 500 companies annually by implementing continuous improvement principles in the areas of productivity, growth and technology. Purdue TAP has helped our clients collectively achieve over $1 billion of economic impact in Indiana since 2005.